Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Official Public Part 1

I am going to write a series of blog posts (this being #1) about how the general public is served in official ways. Service is, of course, provided to everyone but those who are seen and treated as a burden to individuals and society are the only ones penalized for how our needs are unpopular among decision makers.

These peoples abilities (or whatever we provide that isn't seen as worthy of respect) survive in the wild (as in; forgotten entirely,on the streets, warehoused, or hidden away by the financial restrictions and label of disability) and are the ones I'm concentrating on as those who are lawfully eligible for public services in the U.S.. Primarily this series will focus on autistics.

This has nothing to do with community efforts because before the general community accepts this responsibility, most of us will be selected as unworthy of breathing.

By official I mean what is provided for outside of the free market. While free market service providers may provide better services to a few people, they could hardly be considered to be available to the general public. The general public can't afford them and many others who can are often subjected to opertunists who prey on their need for conveinience and their willingness to pay for it.

I will (for the purpose of this series) not refer to any differences between what are considered levels of functioning or age of autistics. The laws concerning these issues, as to how they affect a person's right to receive services, contradict themselves and are further complicated mainly by the public who serve the agenda of those who govern service providers, by bickering over trivialities and by not addressing the unwillingness of the officials to make fair judgements based on these laws .

The law already provides for the accomodations of autistic people at any age. Unfortunatly, there are no official public defenders (by title or otherwise) who are willing to educate the public about these laws or demand that they be enforced. Anyone who would choose to do this would either lose their job and /or tell the rest of us the truth.

I will be choosing topics for this series that include both the general types of service providers for autistic people as well as specific individual institutions, warehouses, and agencies.


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