Correct Thinking
It seems too often that thoughts or patterns of thoughts are described as incorrect when that's not the case at all. Too often this discourages diverse or unconventional thoughts and ideas. This is a luxury that no society has ever been able to afford and we won't survive that way.
While unconventional ways of thinking may not immediately be seen as practical, that doesn't mean that it isn't practical. Often what is standing in the way of progress is the way someone with little or no experience at being listened to has not developed the best way to transfer their diverse ways of thinking into a more conventional form that others can readily understand. Then there is of course the matter of more conventional thinkers not training themselves to listen and explore ideas that are outside of the"normal" box which starts or keeps the cycle going.
In many ways I see the larger group mentality (or herd) as being in charge of things. That includes the decisions as to how the majority is described as thinking and even how many people it takes to make a majority. So many people are not factored into what is described as the majority because of economic and social status. My thinking is that the majority of less influencial people are not seen as having something worthy to say. Then they don't say it or when they do, it isn't seen as having validity which discourages people from attempting to influence others.... and it can and often does discourage them from feeling that they have any influence on any aspect of their lives. Which came first isn't nearly important to me as people making real efforts to turn that around.
I feel privileged to be able to learn things online from people who not only think in what are often described as unconventional ways (although they think in ways closer to the way I think and seem more practical to me), but people who are willing to question convention and challenge it.
It seems like diversity would be approaching the extent of it's usefulness if there were too much inclusion such as describing the misbehavior of serial killers as someone having a series bad days. That doesn't seem like the extreme that is the most threatening to our society at this point.
How can we rationally discuss the crime rate when the laws of capitol punishment are being endorsed by a president who was previously the govenor of a state where so many innocent people were put to death by the legal system for not being able to secure adequate council.
How can the the United States approach the problems of immigration when we owe so much of the foundation of the country migrant workers? How can this be discussed rationally when the current president and his family owe so much of their wealth and their future wealth to migrant workers? You can hardly say you own something if someone unwillingly bought it for you.
I wonder if people who are trying to figure out who (if anyone) should help with the mortgage crisis remembers that this land was taken over from people who didn't believe that land could or should be owned.
How do we approach the problems of public education when states are promoting the sale of lottery tickets to fund the schools instead of being more responsible with other funding and expenses.... or when those who purchase so many of those tickets can't afford them (many because a public school system that failed them) and they are then blamed for being useless eaters that don't know any better and/or that don't matter.
Crime prevention doesn't start with guns and more police. Practical ways to get around problems get stiffled when people depend on punishment motivation and neglect mothods of empowerment. A lot of problem prevention starts with empowering kids and adults so people have a future to look forward to.
If someone wants to explore with me better ways of doing things, I don't want to argue with them. I want to listen. I want what isn't working to change.
How is anyone's approach to civil rights, autistic rights, and neurodiversity even an inconvenience to anyone unless something they say makes some sense to someone.
Forgive me if I don't always know how to respond when someone takes me seriously. I'm not very accostomed to it. However, don't let that stop you. I'm looking forward to getting used to it. :)
So, where are all those neurodiversity bloggers who are preventing or trying to prevent kids from recieving support? I haven't seen them.
A lot of so-called science isn't being challenged and when bloggers that actually can and do challenge the conventional methods of treatments and therepies for autistics that have been harmful and that have the potential for being harmful to others....and they get intimidated and bullied....who's future is served?
When I see people making a lot of effort to disempower people before they have been empowered.... or when they make irrational, unfounded accusations about someone who is saying something that challenges convention , I am likely to label them as part of the problem.